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Building Resilience and Coping through Clinical Hypnosis (August 2020)

Writer's picture: Stephanie FoxleyStephanie Foxley

STAGE IV LOCKDOWN brings new pressures to the community and further impacts on mental health.

Now, more than ever, there is a need to rely on personal resilience and coping mechanisms as fresh fears and concerns about loved ones and the future arise.

Over the past few months I have been studying Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy, and it has been an absolute revelation to witness first hand how this incredible therapy can help people tap into their own resources to overcome fears, phobias, addictions and much more, by rediscovering a whole range of skills that have been buried over the years or that have simply been “forgotten”.

HYPNOSIS is often misrepresented in the community by stunts performed on the stage or on TV.

Therapeutic hypnosis is quite different.

Humans learn from life experiences, and these experiences shape our life.

We don’t remember many of these learnings, they are done by rote, by our subconscious, because our brain knows how to do them, and we don’t have to consciously think about how to achieve them.

For example, driving a car: Once an experienced driver, we don’t have to think about every action that we do, like changing gears, checking the wing mirrors, indicating or simply getting from A-B, we do this as if on autopilot.

There is nothing new to the neuroscience of this therapy, it dates back to the 18th Century.

Through Clinical Hypnosis the therapist guides the client’s attention inwardly using words and gestures to explore experiences the brain has previously learned to access the part that can help the client in their conscious state.

I witnessed a middle aged woman who had a “block” in being able to sing any more, she had been a professional singer in her earlier years, but now the thought of singing in public, or even being asked to sing by her friends threw her into a panic attack and she could not get a note out of her mouth.

During her hypnosis, the therapist tapped into the singing skills she learned many years ago and took her back into her subconscious to positive experiences she had with her singing and dispelled the fears that she had built up through a traumatic life incident.

I would love to go into more detail about the process, but needless to say it had miraculous outcomes.

At the end of the Hypnosis there was a brief discussion about the process (which had lasted about an hour) when one of the other students challenged the client to sing in front of the class.

There was a moment of stunned silence, and then in perfect pitch she sang in front of us all, leaving us speechless and to be honest almost tearful to witness her surprise and pleasure of being able to perform in front of a crowd.

Imagine what else HYPNOSIS can do for you.

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